Super Mini hill flower bouquet (right)
Large fluffy pampas bouquet
Mini fluffy pampas bouquet
Large bunch of preserved gypsophila
Mini populus bouquet
Mini white gypsophila and baby blue bouquet
Mini bouquet eucalyptus, pampas, wheat and natural bunny tails
Pampas and eucalyptus cinerea bouquet
Large pampas, baby blue eucalyptus and white bunny tail bouquet
Fluffy reed grass, natural bunny tails and tall oat dried bouquet
Mini dried bouquet
3 stems of dried ruscus
Dried bouquet of baby blue eucalyptus, tall bleached oats and natural bunny tail
Preserved bouquet of populus eucalyptus, lavender and white bunny tails
3 stems of preserve eucalyptus populus
Bunch of lavender and white bunny tails
Fluffy reed grass single stem
Pampas and eucalyptus bouquet with bunny tails